Who to call for storm damage


The following is a quick guide to what is and isn’t the responsibility of the Fire and Rescue Service when storm damage occurs:

ProblemWho to call
Fallen tree on road, not endangering lifeLocal authority
Fallen tree on road or vehicle, endangering lifeFire and Rescue Service – call 999
Fallen tree on property, not endangering lifePersonal responsibility
Fallen tree on property, endangering lifeFire and Rescue Service – call 999
Unsafe structure overhanging a public highway or public footpathFire and Rescue Service – call 999
Unsafe structure overhanging property, not endangering lifePersonal responsibility
Unsafe structure overhanging property, endangering lifeFire and Rescue Service – call 999
General floodingWait for water to subside. See also further advice.
Flooding with life riskFire and Rescue Service – call 999
Flooding affecting electricsOnly if safe to do so, isolate electrics – if in any doubt, contact the Fire and Rescue Service on 999
Power cutCall 105

Local authority information is as follows: