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Savernake Parish Council

Welcome to Savernake Parish Council's website. 

It’s designed to provide easy to access information about how the Parish Council works, our services, local events and links to other websites.

Latest Parish News

Wiltshire Bobby Van Trust (WBVT) Collection Box Volunteers needed



February 2024

If you love getting out and about but also want to support a cause in achieving its aim, then becoming a Wiltshire Bobby Van Trust (WBVT) Collection Box Volunteer. This could be the right step for you. You will be involved in displaying our collection boxes in your local community to help raise funds for WBVT.

In this community-spirited volunteer role, your support will include getting involved in the following:

  • Getting out and about to display our iconic collection boxes in your local community
  • Networking with organisations to share our cause and encourage them to display our collection boxes
  • Maintain an accurate list of the location of the collection boxes and the dates on which they have been replaced or emptied
  • At suitable intervals be responsible for the collection and replacement of these collection boxes
  • Being an ambassador for WBVT

You'll ideally:

  • Have good organisational skills to organise distribution of collection boxes
  • Have good communication skills to spread the word about WBVT
  • Be looking to commit to 8hrs a week which is flexible to allow you to enjoy a work-life balance

· The minimum age of this volunteer role is Over 18 and you will require your own vehicle, insurance, and Driving Licence

If you don’t feel you tick every box but are sure this role is the one for you, we’d love to hear from you! We’re always open to suggestions and are very happy to chat with you to find out what’s possible, so please just get in

Who to call for storm damage


November 2023
Dorset & Wiltshire Fire & Rescue

The following is a quick guide to what is and isn’t the responsibility of the Fire and Rescue Service when storm damage occurs:

ProblemWho to call
Fallen tree on road, not endangering lifeLocal authority
Fallen tree on road or vehicle, endangering lifeFire and Rescue Service – call 999
Fallen tree on property, not endangering lifePersonal responsibility
Fallen tree on property, endangering lifeFire and Rescue Service – call 999
Unsafe structure overhanging a public highway or public footpathFire and Rescue Service – call 999
Unsafe structure overhanging property, not endangering lifePersonal responsibility
Unsafe structure overhanging property, endangering lifeFire and Rescue Service – call 999
General floodingWait for water to subside. See also further advice.
Flooding with life riskFire and Rescue Service – call 999
Flooding affecting electricsOnly if safe to do so, isolate electrics – if in any doubt, contact the Fire and Rescue Service on 999
Power cutCall 105

Local authority information is as follows:

Savernake Parish
Weather Humidity percentage %
Weather Description
FRI Weather Day One ° °
SAT Weather Day two ° °
SUN Weather Day three ° °
MON Weather Day four ° °
TUE Weather Day five ° °